Saturday, February 20, 2010

Did Obama Open Up Pandoras Box On The ';House'; TV Ad?

Priceless...he criticizes McCain for the number of houses he owns and opens the door for McCains campaign to hit him with his relationship with his bagman convicted felonTony Rezko. Whats the expression if you live in glass houses don't throw stones.Did Obama Open Up Pandoras Box On The ';House'; TV Ad?
i couldnt agree with you more...i wonder if everyone else iin his ...';57'; states sees it the same way...lmfao.Did Obama Open Up Pandoras Box On The ';House'; TV Ad?
Only if he decides to press the issue. While Senator McCain committed a serious mistake in how he answered that question ( suppose it's his wife that owns the property, then he could rightfully say that he doesn't own any, which may have been a better response than the one he gave), I seriously doubt that any of those properties were purchased with the aid of a convicted felon.
NO! Neither is as pure as they would like the public to think however when McCain is raising money with the good Ole boys from the Jack Aberoff Scandal.The very same people he ran cover for while he was supposedly investigating that whole thing has got no room to bring up anything!
Yes, he did. Obama also said people couldn't attack his wife, but Obama is attacking McCain's. Welcome to Obama's 'new' politics...
No because the box has already been opened.Apparently you haven't been paying attention. McCain has been throwing stones from his glass house for weeks.
I agree. Obama has so many skeletons in his closet that every time he criticizes McCain, he opens new opportunities for exposure of past associates and his weaknesses. I love it!
I think McCain should have answered him by saying ';this coming from a guy who lures unsuspecting men into his limo to do cocaine and gay sex';.

Larry Sinclair
The correct expression: Obama is an idiot. His rant about houses is just plain childish.
The point is that old man McCain don't know how many houses he own. Senator Obama relationship with Rezko regarding his house has been vetted and there's NOTHING. What else you got.
Why cant we just get back to talking about the issues sigh maybe because on the actual issues both these guys suck
Naw Obama is sinking at the polls.

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