Sunday, February 21, 2010

Why cant (house) tv show) walk?

Season One: Three Stories...that's the episode that reveals the answer to your question. He had a muscle infarction in his upper leg, but his doctors misdiagnosed it and wrote it off as not being anything threatening. He was given antibiotics and bed rest. But blockage in his leg just continued, and his muscle tissue began dying. He pointed this out to his doctors, and they said that he needed to have the leg amputated. House, being his usual stubborn self, refused the surgery. His doctor [Dr. Cuddy] suggested a middle ground. A surgery that would go in a take the clot out. He just wanted to wait it out though. House asked to be put in a comatose state because the pain was so bad. While he was out, Stacy [his girlfriend at the time] ordered the middle ground surgery to be initiated. The surgery left him in chronic pain for the rest of his life though [as Cuddy had warned].

PS: In one episode he said he can't walk because he was shot or something like that...not true. That was just House being House.Why cant (house) tv show) walk?
He got shot in the leg. I think he's had the cane right from the beginning, because I can't remember any episodes where he didn't have it (except that weird one where they did that brain re-set surgery on him without his knowledge, and that was just some sort of hallucination I think.)Why cant (house) tv show) walk?
He was in an accident and his leg was badly injured. His thigh muscle was damaged severely and he wouldnt have it operated on so his wife so how connived and signed the papers to have the surgery done and it cut away part of the muscle but it left him in excruciating pain, thats why he is hooked on pain pills. That's what makes him such a darling man. Gotta love him!!!!
He can.
yea i know....i think i missed that episode....but it is soo funny what he uses his cane that one time he tripped the other doc with it
He has no thigh muscle in his right was removed or is missing from an accident but I don't know they have ever said why.....stay tuned....I LOVE actor on t.v.......

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