I have watched it in the past but have not watched the last two series as it is a bit samey! How people can show themselves up by allowing their disgusting filthy homes to be televised is beyond me. They must be desperate - what for? Haven't a clue - maybe 'fame', maybe money. Some of the homes really made me feel sick as you say. I would never be able to hold my head up in public again!!!!!
You would be surprised to find out how many people have houses just like this.
I dunno.........i think they make it ten times worse for tv chicks.....................x x x
yeah it's well nasty! I'm having a carpet fitted today and all our stuff from the living room is in the kitchen, it's driving me crazy! so how people can live like that everyday is beyond me.
oh that program yeah it's cool
yes i have seen the odd episode its amazing how dirty some houses are
Plenty of people really do live in squalor like that. It amazes me.
One woman's toilet was so caked up with crap...I don't know how she didn't notice
I find it truly amazing that people let their house get that bad, I would never class myself as someone who is very house proud but in comparison to those dirt balls my house is immaculate. Surely it is staged.
It makes me sick the women touch bogging toilet seats and sniff!
its a fix nobody could live in filth like that-they probably make it look worse than it actually is just to make the programme better
Awesome tat! I can't watch b/c it makes me sick. I cannot believe that people actually live like that!
I like that show, it makes me feel like I have a spotless home. lol
There are a lot of people that live like know who you are!!!
who?...there are so many people who don't care about cleaning their mess...
i have seen in real life
Why would any one who lives in such filth allow cameras into their home, its beyond me. When i watch my house always gets a good clean afterwards!!
I loved to see the bossy womens houses.
Most of the dole getting jeremy kyle watching Chav population I think. And old people with too many cats.
why would these people go on telly and make a show of themselves the state of some of their houses
Watched it loads. If that were my house I wouldn't want anyone to see it, I would be ashamed. Do you think it could be staged?
They all seem to be lazy. I can't believe anyone would let their house get into such a state. I don't like cleaning much but it's got to be done. Don't forget though they are the worst of the worst for the shock factor.
LMFAO I know some of the houses are SOOOOOOO disgusting!
What really gets me is when you see baths that haven't been cleaned for 6yrs and kitchens covered in 9'; of grease! WTF?
i love that program and it make me want to clean my own , i know i looks so nasty when people sleep over rat poop ugggg gross!!!!
It's disgusting isn't it. My house isn't pristine but it certainly isn't filthy. I don't understand how anyone could let their homes get in that state.
O.M.G. some of the houses are mingin makes me feel proud,Kirkby Mums taught us well eh.
If you've just watched it for the first time, you missed dozens of them - this must be at least its fifth series! It started off with just a few scruffy houses which needed nothing much more than a hoover running over them, but it progressed through all the women with fifty-eight cats and ten parrots flying loose aboot the hoose that a major refurbishment was necessary - and since then they've been to America and back!
The little Scots woman is quite pleasant and seems to know what she's talking about (as opposed to that other Scotswoman Gillian McKeith who doesn't and only b/s's her way through thanks to a ';Doctorate'; she bought over the Internet from America!) but the large woman with the tall hair isn't much more than a camera lover. She was on ';Loose Women'; a few weeks back and to say she played to the camera is the under-statement of the century. Anyway, it's quite an undemanding little programme to watch if there's nothing else on, it's just a pity that we have to have that silly 'commentary' from the bloke with the most boring voice and accent ever heard on TV ! ! !
my house is always messy unless someone else cleans it.
Seen it a few times, unbelievable how some people live eh!
I ought to stop watching it....cos it makes me grimace all the way through...its adding to my many wrinkles LOL....but seriously, I can't understand how they can live in that sort of filth and not be constantly ill, and WORSE of all is when they have young children crawling around in that disgusting mess....I would love to know how their brains work (Mmmmm, maybe they dont have one) they certainly have no shame
just how much is genuine crap and not continuity putting it in the house.?
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